This leather possibles bag is made in rust cowhide leather and is being featured as a possibles bag. Of course like many of our bags this bag can be for a man or a woman. The bag has a 48 inch 4 point braided shoulder strap so it can be used crossbody or thrown over the shoulder. It could even be tied around the waist. The strap can be adjusted smaller if you like. The measurements are 7 inches tall x 6 inches wide x 1.5 inches deep and it has an extra pocket inside and one on the back of the bag. There is an antler tip closure on the front of the bag. If you would like a different color please refer to the last picture and leave us a note at checkout.
Please allow 3 to 4 weeks to ship.You will not receive the piece you see in the photos, we will make one similar for you. All of the hides we use are one of a kind and unique. The color and texture of each hide will vary a little.
Please read our shop policies on made to order items
Handmade by Thunder Rose Leather
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